Sunday, November 13, 2022

A Place in the Choir - The Browns


I particularly like the Tommy Makem/Liam Clancy version of this gospel song, but I think I've already posted that one. In case I haven't, I'll put it down below.  Here are the browns with a more American gospel version. This song was a favorite with my Sabbath school primaries, juniors and earliteens. If I can scare up the recording they made for me,  I'll post it here too. It's a great campfire or kids song. It's fast and lots of lyric, so you'll have to practice a bit to deliver it.

This version (below) is by the guy that wrote the song - Bill Staines. Bill tells the story behind the song in this clip.

Here's a version by Celtic Thunder. These rowdy boys and girls have a lot of fun into this energetic version.

This is one of those songs people just make their own. Below is a recording that my kids from Tyler Sabbath School sent me so I wouldn't miss them so much after I moved far away - bless 'em!  My daughter Meg is on the guitar and leads. It's their own impromptu version. We used to add animal sounds when we sang it for church song service.

I'll have to put it in a video and post to Youtube to put it up here. It'll be a new something I have to learn, but a useful skill.



Do They See Jesus in Me

Once again, my second favorite singer in all the world (her Mama is still my #1 favorite) with a song for Sabbath.  I tell peop...