Saturday, December 23, 2023

Carol of the Bells

This isn't my favorite version of "Carol of the Bells". I include it because I was named after the Orchestra leader, Wayne King - at least so my mother tells me. My first name belongs to my grandfather and my great grandfather and 29 other Thomases whom I've discovered hanging from the branches of my family tree.  We've all got individual middle names. There are only a few Thomas Juniors and one "the 3rd" that I have found so far, and a couple with "Thomas" as middle name. If I ever get any say so with my grandkids, I'm hoping to at least get one grandson with Thomas for a middle name.  Here's Wayne's big band rendition of Carol of the Bells:

Here's another version of this song I like even better, but I do like to listen to Wayne and his orchestra run a few big band versions of Christmas songs through the old record player. Here are the Piano Guys doing a medley based around Carol of the Bells (for 12 cellos).

Then there is this one which really does make me smile! Algonquin students do a flash mob version of Carol of the Bells with the help of Darth Vader and his electric guitar.

If you go to Youtube, there are dozens of versions of this song including some notable versions done as flashmobs.  There are versions with pianos, bells, voices as bells and even one version with kazoos.

One last version I'm adding to this is the incredible version done by Peter Hollens. This version uses 300 male voices including multiple versions of Peter himself. It's amazing.

Note that watching and subscribing to these indie artists on Youtube helps support them.

© 2017 by Tom King

PS:  One more. This one by Lindsey Stirling on violin combines dance and snow. This one surprised me. She gets focused on her fiddle as intensely as my friend Jaime Jorge. I need to find some carols of his if he's done any. I love musicians that get this deeply into the music.

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

May the Road Rise to Meet You

I love Cathie Ryan's voice. She ladies do a nice job with this old Irish blessing, and I certainly could use an old Irish blessing right about now.


Sunday, October 22, 2023

The Bald-Headed Men (of which I am one)

Sheila, the boys and I once spent a Sunday at the Kerrville Folk Festival in Texas. One of the performers was a perky little woman named Christine Lavin. While she's aged some since we saw her live, she's still funny and odd even with white hair. One of my favorite of her songs is a tribute to men without hair and as a man who is losing his hair with startling rapidity, I find myself quite fond of this song. She also did a version some years ago with five other women who called themselves "Six Bitchin' Babes", a nom de plume somewhat at odds with their collective feminism.

Great song, though. Christine can be forgiven for her politics if she keeps writing funny songs.


Saturday, October 14, 2023

It is Well With My Soul

 This song has a heart-breaking history. Horatio Spafford, a well-to-do Christian man went through the very trials of Job. His wife and daughters traveled by ship to England ahead of Spafford. Their ship was struck by an iron vessel and sank in 12 minutes. Only his wife Anna survived. Spafford took a ship to England to be with her. As the ship passed over the spot where his 4 daughters had been lost, the ship's captain informed Spafford. He went down to his cabin and wrote this song. The rest of Spafford's story is one of heartbreak and triumph. The Spafford's are buried in Jerusalem where they finished their lives doing mission work.

The song is performed by Acapeldridge, a "group" consisting of just one guy singing all 4 parts, which accounts for the amazing blend of voices. A sad but as hopeful a song as you'll ever here.




Friday, June 16, 2023



 The sun is out and there's new grass on the field. There are some familiar songs about baseball out there and some not so familiar. They range from "Take Me Out to the Ball Game" to Peter Paul & Mary's poignant "Right Field". Right Field is sort of my baseball theme song. But this song by CCR's John Fogarty is the one that gets me charged up to see a game.

Now if only Major League Baseball doesn't shoot its fans in the foot like the NFL did with a load of woke, LGBQT double plus ungood nonsense, I might even go to a game.

Boy how I miss Nolan Ryan and Pudge Rodriguez!

Tom King 2013


Friday, May 19, 2023

Pretty Little One - A Different Kind of Murder Ballad

This Steve Martin/Edic Brickell song is an untraditional traditional murder ballad. Usually the girl dies by strangulation, stabbing or drowning at the hands of her evil lover and left for dead somewhere. Sometimes she turns into a swan or something. It's all very tragic. Often the killer is caught and hanged. The country gal in this song, however, has a Daddy who taught her how to take care of herself. Probably comes from one of those families that "cling to their guns and religion." The ending of this murder ballad is rather different from the way most of these things turn out. You will smile, I promise.

Tom King

Saturday, May 6, 2023

I Can Only Imagine - One Voice Children's Choir


 I love "I Can Only Imagine". It's very powerful. We played it at Micah's memorial service. The song was one of his favorites. This version is incredible. Masafumi "Masa" Fukuda, a Japanese-American songwriter, composer and music arranger is the choir director and founder of One Voice Children's Choir. He gifted and does incredible things with the children he draws together from across American culture. His music includes religious and non-religious numbers, but there is always a kind of spiritual kind of reverence for the well-chosen pieces the choir performs. I sat through this song tonight and had tears running down my face and I'm not ashamed.

This piece is nothing short of awesome (and not the sort of awesome people throw out for something that is merely pretty good).

Tom King





Friday, March 24, 2023

Do They See Jesus in Me

Once again, my second favorite singer in all the world (her Mama is still my #1 favorite) with a song for Sabbath.  I tell people Meghan got her singing ability from me because her Mom still has hers. Actually, she got her perfect pitch and lovely voice from the gene pool on her Mom's side. On my side we play guitar and kind of hum along in the background because we've been told not to sing too loud. It throws the others off. We tend to wander off key a lot. I've gotten better at it, but Miss Sheila still has to stop up her ears whenever I get musical.

Not so with Miss Meghan. I have a few brief clips of the two of them singing together. One day I'll post them on Youtube and here. In the meantime here's Meghan singing a lovely song call Do They See Jesus in Me? Knowing my daughter, I think they can.

Tom King

Friday, January 13, 2023

Love Has Come for You - The Best Anti-Abortion Song Ever

Steve Martin, Edie Brickell and The Steep Canyon Rangers perform this lovely song about an unwed mother who decides to keep her child. This one made me cry, which, of course, was what the writer intended. I was listening to my monster eclectic music collection today and it popped up and as many times as I've listened to it, it still got to me. Edie Brickell does such a lovely job with Steve and the boys.


Thursday, January 5, 2023

Home Free Puts Sea


Of all the acapella groups out there these days, Home Free is probably my very favorite. Here they've gone and done my favorite folk genre proud with this driving medley of sea shanties including the song that rehooked me on them - The Wellerman. Enjoy!

Do They See Jesus in Me

Once again, my second favorite singer in all the world (her Mama is still my #1 favorite) with a song for Sabbath.  I tell peop...